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ILSC & Greystone College Outstanding Volunteer Service Award

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Be rewarded for your volunteering experiences with the ILSC & Greystone College Outstanding Volunteer Service Award.

We know that our students love contributing to their local Australian communities while they’re studying with us – so why not volunteer? Check out our volunteering opportunities below.

By volunteering, you will

  • gain invaluable experience in the Australian workplace. 
  • build your confidence 
  • boost your skillsets for ongoing employment.

By participating in this award, ILSC & Greystone College can track the multiple volunteering experiences you participate in.

    Whether it’s stewarding at a one-off fundraising event, taking the time to welcome new students at Orientation as a Student Ambassador, or helping bag products at a Share the Dignity event – we want to collectively count your hours to recognise the great achievements you are making.

    As you reach each volunteering milestone, we will present you with your ILSC & Greystone College Outstanding Volunteer Service Award certificate. These are a great addition to your resume, highlighting your ongoing commitment to the Australian community and illustrating the passion you have to further your skillsets.


    Help with an environmental cause

    Aged Care

    Support the elderly in our communities

    Child Care

    Support children in our communities

    Community Gardens

    Work with others in the community

    Charity Work

    Volunteer at a charity event or store

      So what are you waiting for? Start tracking your volunteering experiences below.

      Have a look below at some of the great volunteering organisations that ILSC has connected with to create opportunities for you.

      ILSC & Greystone Australia Volunteering Options

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