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Digital Security

Some Basics

When you first log in to, you must change your password and input a phone number or email address for secondary authentication.

That way, if you forget your password or you think your password has been stolen, you can use the password reset link to change your password yourself. 

Need to change your phone number or email? Go to the Security Info page in and follow the steps. It’s easy.

Use this before you change to a new phone. Our recommendation is to setup the Microsoft Authenticator App.

What you need to do if your account is locked

If your account is locked, the system will tell you to contact your support person.

Call or email your campus, tell them your student number and ask them to enable your account. You will receive a new temporary password and your account will be unlocked. You must login immediately and change to a new password. See the section on Passwords below. Consider activating Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Security Features at ILSC and Greystone College

Single Sign On 

To access all our platforms.

Your student number gives you access to Microsoft 365, Moodle, Teams and the school Apps. 

It also helps protect your data when you communicate with the school in any way.

Keep your password secret and do not share your login with anyone.

Strong Password

Your password should be:

minimum 8 characters including

a number (8), a capital letter (M) and a special character ($ % # @ !).

Never use your name, your birthday or your city. 

Why not let your phone/browser suggest a strong password?

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Get a code on your phone to verify your identify, just like your bank.

At the moment, ILSC does not enforce MFA for students, but we strongly recommend that you set it up yourself.

Follow the steps on our Authenticator App Setup page to enable MFA.

Hacking and Phishing

What is Hacking

When criminals try to enter a digital system illegally. They can use many ways, but email and text messages are very common and often look similar to official school or government emails.

What is Phishing?

This is a very common form of hacking. When criminals use emails or SMS to get your personal information, such as your bank account numbers, passwords, and credit card numbers. Often they will include links and scary words like: “URGENT” or “ACTION REQUIRED”. Do not click on links in emails or text messages, even if it looks official. Check the sender email address very carefully. If you are not sure, contact the company or school directly.

What ILSC & Greystone do to protect against Hacking and Phishing

Our system monitors unusual email and login activity. The system does NOT read any content in your emails. It monitors the number of emails sent internally and externally and it monitors the location of the logins.

What happens?

Emails: If your account sends more emails than the daily permitted limit, the system will lock the account. Why? Because hackers use hacked accounts to send thousands of emails to continue their scam.

Login: If there is unusual login activity, such as from many different countries in a short period of time, the system will lock the account. Why? Because hackers use remote computer systems to attack a system so they cannot be found.