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Greystone College Australia – New Schedule FAQ

I’m a weekday student. Do I have classes for 4 days now?

Yes. Your core lectures remain on the same 2 days as they were before. We are now adding an additional 2 days of Assessment Support on campus, providing you more opportunity to connect with a teacher and receive support.

I’m a weekend student. Why do I have classes on weekdays? Can I attend face to face class on weekend (Friday & Saturday)?

Your core lectures remain on Saturdays, unchanged. These will be delivered online. You also have Friday support, online, as it was before. We are now adding an additional Assessment Support on campus, providing you more opportunity to connect with a teacher and receive support. There are no face-to-face lectures available for any timetable. See your schedule below.

Do I have to attend all classes?

Like our previous timetables, all classes are part of your course. Greystone College Australia recommends students attend all classes for successful course completion.

Do I have to attend both online and on campus classes? How?

For weekday students:

You will have Assessment Support classes offered before your lectures, either on campus, or online. Student may choose which option suits them best here. You will also have Assessment Support classes offered on 2 x extra days during the week, when you don’t have lectures, giving you more access to trainers and assessment support.

For weekend students:

On campus Assessment Support classes are offered at different times to online classes, so there are no clashes. We recommend attending all classes for the best chance of completing your course. The extra Assessment Support classes now available give you more access to trainers and assessment support during the week.

Can I keep attending online classes?

Yes, all core Lectures will remain online. Online Assessment Support with your core trainers are also available.

Who is my trainer?

You will have your regular trainer providing lectures and online support. You will have access to different trainers who will support you during Assessment Support classes now offered on-campus.

Do you take attendance in every classes?

Yes, we take attendance in all classes.

Am I in trouble if I don’t attend all classes?

To maintain sufficient course progress, you will need to attend classes to learn, participate, and complete essential activities and assessments in class. If you miss a class, contact your trainer via a Teams message and attend Assessment Support class.

If you have further questions about how your attendance might affect your student visa, please contact your local student advisor team available on all campuses in Australia.

Can I go back to previous class schedule?

Unfortunately, our class timetable is changing to meet our industry regulations, so all students must shift to this new timetable.

Where can I check my new schedule?

You can check your schedule in the myGreystone app or in Moodle. You will see your full timetable on the Moodle Dashboard (homepage). Teams will show only online classes in your calendar. Please contact us if you need more assistance in checking your timetable at

New Schedule Graphics

Weekday Schedule (Mon-Tues Lecture)

Weekday Schedule (Wed-Thurs Lecture)

Weekend Schedule A

Weekend Schedule C